مدل سه بعدی اسباب بازی

مدل سه بعدی اسباب بازی 25

Pro 3DSky - Heroes of the Comic Character KAWS BFF

دسته ابجکت:
نسخه: 3dsMax 2014 + fbx (Corona)
حجم پس از اکسترکت: 0.241 گیگابایت
تاریخ ثبت: 26 بهمن 1398
بازدید: بار
ProEXR File Description

cameraAperture (float): 36
cameraFarClip (float): 0
cameraFarRange (float): 1e+006
cameraFov (float): 37.5055
cameraNearClip (float): 0
cameraNearRange (float): 0
cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 655.979
cameraTransform (m44f): [{0.999254, 0.00639131, -0.0380973, 705.204}, {-0.0386296, 0.165327, -0.985482, -564.948}, {-2.32831e-009, 0.986218, 0.165451, 256.626}, {0, 0, 0, 1}]
channels (chlist)
compression (compression): Zip16
dataWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 1599, 1599]
displayWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 1599, 1599]
gamma (float): 1
lineOrder (lineOrder): Increasing Y
pixelAspectRatio (float): 1
screenWindowCenter (v2f): [0, 0]
screenWindowWidth (float): 1
tiles (tiledesc): [64, 64]
type (string): "tiledimage"

A (half)
Albedo.A (half)
Albedo.B (half)
Albedo.G (half)
Albedo.R (half)
B (half)
CTexmap.A (half)
CTexmap.B (half)
CTexmap.G (half)
CTexmap.R (half)
Clrs Masking ID.A (half)
Clrs Masking ID.B (half)
Clrs Masking ID.G (half)
Clrs Masking ID.R (half)
Clrs Wire Color.A (half)
Clrs Wire Color.B (half)
Clrs Wire Color.G (half)
Clrs Wire Color.R (half)
G (half)
R (half)
Reflections.A (half)
Reflections.B (half)
Reflections.G (half)
Reflections.R (half)ProEXR File Description

cameraAperture (float): 36
cameraFarClip (float): 1e+030
cameraFarRange (float): 1e+006
cameraFov (float): 45.0001
cameraNearClip (float): 0
cameraNearRange (float): 0
cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 609.504
cameraTransform (m44f): [{0.919136, 0.0486917, -0.390921, -181.178}, {-0.393941, 0.113606, -0.912087, -481.878}, {-1.49012e-008, 0.992332, 0.123601, 227.42}, {0, 0, 0, 1}]
channels (chlist)
compression (compression): Zip16
dataWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 1599, 1599]
displayWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 1599, 1599]
gamma (float): 1
lineOrder (lineOrder): Increasing Y
pixelAspectRatio (float): 1
screenWindowCenter (v2f): [0, 0]
screenWindowWidth (float): 1
tiles (tiledesc): [64, 64]
type (string): "tiledimage"

A (half)
Albedo.A (half)
Albedo.B (half)
Albedo.G (half)
Albedo.R (half)
B (half)
CTexmap.A (half)
CTexmap.B (half)
CTexmap.G (half)
CTexmap.R (half)
Clrs Masking ID.A (half)
Clrs Masking ID.B (half)
Clrs Masking ID.G (half)
Clrs Masking ID.R (half)
Clrs Wire Color.A (half)
Clrs Wire Color.B (half)
Clrs Wire Color.G (half)
Clrs Wire Color.R (half)
G (half)
R (half)
Reflections.A (half)
Reflections.B (half)
Reflections.G (half)
Reflections.R (half)ProEXR File Description

cameraAperture (float): 36
cameraFarClip (float): 0
cameraFarRange (float): 1e+006
cameraFov (float): 37.5053
cameraNearClip (float): 0
cameraNearRange (float): 0
cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 603.507
cameraTransform (m44f): [{0.925302, -0.0378195, 0.377342, 833.014}, {0.379233, 0.0922771, -0.920689, -397.793}, {3.35276e-008, 0.995015, 0.0997264, 216.264}, {0, 0, 0, 1}]
channels (chlist)
compression (compression): Zip16
dataWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 1599, 1599]
displayWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 1599, 1599]
gamma (float): 1
lineOrder (lineOrder): Increasing Y
pixelAspectRatio (float): 1
screenWindowCenter (v2f): [0, 0]
screenWindowWidth (float): 1
tiles (tiledesc): [64, 64]
type (string): "tiledimage"

A (half)
Albedo.A (half)
Albedo.B (half)
Albedo.G (half)
Albedo.R (half)
B (half)
CTexmap.A (half)
CTexmap.B (half)
CTexmap.G (half)
CTexmap.R (half)
Clrs Masking ID.A (half)
Clrs Masking ID.B (half)
Clrs Masking ID.G (half)
Clrs Masking ID.R (half)
Clrs Wire Color.A (half)
Clrs Wire Color.B (half)
Clrs Wire Color.G (half)
Clrs Wire Color.R (half)
G (half)
R (half)
Reflections.A (half)
Reflections.B (half)
Reflections.G (half)
Reflections.R (half)

در این قسمت از سایت مون آرک برای شما عزیزان یک مدل سه بعدی اسباب بازی که از سری آبجکت های Pro سایت محبوب 3DSky می باشد را قرار دادیم.این فایل با فرمت Max و Fbx به همراه تکسچر را می توانید از لینک زیر دانلود نمائید.

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